Outdoor challenge course

Take the group outside and let them experience challenges in nature!

spiders web

Set Up: Have the group stand on one side of the web. Figure out how many people need to go through each hole.


Description: The group must get to the other side of the web by putting people through the holes in the web with out touching the web. Once a hole has been used as many times as set for the group it no longer exists. If the hole is touched while trying to put someone though, that person must start over.


Purpose: Use of problem solving and team work. Shows the need for a wide variety of abilities in any team.


Debrief: What were some of the problems you faced? How did you overcome them? How does this relate to life?

kings finger

Set Up: Make sure everyone knows how to spot and how important it is to spot. Spoons not forks.

Description: Have the group gather around the pole and tell them they have to get the "rings" (tires) off of the sleeping king's finger without waking him up. They cannot touch the pole with the tires or it will wake the giant king up and they'll have to restart. Have them put the tires back onto the pole flipped in order from how they began at the end of the exercise.

Purpose: A challenge that absolutely requires group work and team building.

Debrief: How did that go? What was difficult about that? How did team work help you complete it? Was it hard to trust someone to lift you up?

acid sea

Set up: Unlock two of the planks, re-lock the last one and put the key somewhere the group will find it. (Inside: Place three platforms in an “L” shape so that one plank can just reach the next platform. Then make sure the third platform is not reachable by only one board, requiring them to overlap..)

Description: The group is to use the planks to get from the first platform to the others with out the boards or the people touching the ground. Each time someone touches the ground implement a “punishment,” ex. No talking or can’t use your right hand. They must unlock the last board in order to get everyone to the end platform.

Purpose: High team work, problem solving, communication.

Debrief: What had to happen to make this work? How did you work as a team? Was everyone important? How?

the wall

Set up: Practice spotting and emphasize its importance.


Description: Everyone has to get over the wall safely. No more than 3 people can be on the wall at a time including the person in transit. You can not use the sides of the wall, the vertical supports, cracks, or knotholes to help with ascending the wall. The person who gets up the wall must then help two people up the wall, (their turn only lasts for two people whether they need help or not.) After someone has made it over and back down the wall they can not go back to the front and physically help anyone else. Instead they need to help with spotting on ether side and give verbal encouragement. Anyone who is not physically helping someone get over the wall has to be spotting ether in the front or in the back. Clothing can not be used as a climbing aid.


Purpose: Great physical challenge, fun, looks impossible.


Safety points: SPOTTING. Everyone has to be very attentive. Watch for and correct embarrassing situations, like clothing that has been pulled in reveling ways etc.


Debrief: What does the wall represent, for the group, or for each person? What did we need to over come it?

human bowling

Set up: Set out one hula hoop for 5 participants in the landing area and behind it.. Set up the rope swing. (Indoors place the platform far enough from the rope to grab it but not too close that it’s  very easy to make the hula hoops.)

Description: The first task is to grab the rope without leaving the platform. Then, everyone in the group must get from the starting area to a hula hoop. No one can touch the ground outside of the starting area, if they do they automatically get sent back to the start. Each person can only touch ONE  hula hoop. If they land with each foot in a different hoop they must restart, if they land in a hoop then fall out they must restart. Group members are able and encouraged to help catch/guide their team mates into a hula hoop. As long as everyone is in a hoop at the end the group succeeds.

Purpose: To show the need for good support with in a group.

Safety point: Be sure everyone is paying good attention and making good decisions.

Debrief: Was this hard? When did it become easier? How can we relate this to life?

The maze

Set up: Have each person pick a partner; it is best if they partner with someone they do not know well. Give each partner group a blindfold. Make sure to blindfold the group in the maze and have them sing while you show the path to the group that will be guiding.

Description: Every pair must choose someone to walk through the maze, and the other to guide them. Each pair will need to come up with a set of code words that mean: go, stop, right, left, and back. The words must not mean that in any language or term, (Meaning no north, west, derecho or izquierda.) The partner that is walking through the maze will guide in and then blindfolded. The other person will be outside of the maze to guide the blindfolded person by talking to them in their specific code words. The second time though they switch who is blindfolded and they can only use one word in English as their code for all directions. Good words for this are “Mine,” “One,” or “Walk.” No one can hold on to someone else to walk the maze and no one can hold on to the rope. On the second time through try to mislead people by saying things like, “Don’t listen to her. They do not know what they are talking about. (lift the rope) Come this way, follow the sound of my voice. Go to your right.”

Purpose: Works on communication. Who to listen to.

Safety point: Blindfolded people need to keep their hands up so that they do not hit a tree.

Debrief: Why was this hard? Why were some of you lead astray? Relate this to real life. Since God is the one we should listen to how do we know his voice? 

Mohawk walk

Set Up: Attach the rope to the eyelet with the carabiner. Have the team line up at the start. Pick out several to start as spotters.


Description: The group has to get everyone from start to finish without touching the ground or their spotters. They can use anyone who is on the cable, the cable, and the rope.


Purpose: Leadership and follower issues, closeness, trust, and giving.


Safety point: Make sure each person on the cable has spotters.


Debrief: What did it take to accomplish this?