Naz safe
Hello from Rev. Matt West, Community Life Director/Chaplain and MinistrySafe Administrator of Bonita Park. As a parent of three children, I understand that the most important thing we can do at Bonita Park is to provide a safe and healthy environment for our kids and yours while they are here. The mission of Bonita Park is to fully utilize the resources God has granted us, inspiring each individual to leave Bonita Park more Christ-like, ready to make a difference in their own life, home and community. We recognize that in order to fulfill this mission, Bonita Park must be a safe and nurturing environment that strives to protect God's family from harm, especially those who are most vulnerable.
Creating this safe environment requires awareness, diligence, and monitoring on a consistent and systematic basis. With an even greater commitment to our mission, we have fine-tuned our policies and preventative practices, which we earnestly and vigilantly enforce, to offer the best protection possible to the most vulnerable among us.
To that end, in addition to our policy of requiring applications, references, and background checks for all employees, and our zero-tolerance policy towards sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior with minors, Bonita Park requires all of our staff to complete sexual abuse awareness training through MinistrySafe. While Bonita Park takes these proactive steps to protect our kids, we also strongly encourage you to use MinistrySafe or a similar organization to train and background check every adult who will be working with your kids while they are at Bonita Park. If you haven't already, we encourage you to use this as an opportunity to implement a similar policy for your local church or organization.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the mission of Bonita Park.
For more information on the Church of the Nazarene's policies and Nazarene Safe visit this link
or visit Ministry Safe at